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To Order your Specialist Citrus Fertiliser direct from Global Orange Groves UK

Please print this form, complete your details and post to

Global Orange Groves UK
Horton Road
Horton Heath
BH21 7JN
United Kingdom

Remember to include your cheque or postal orders for the full amount* including p&p per pot. Made payable to 'Global Orange Groves UK'


I wish to order

__________ 250g pot(s) of Summer Food For Citrus Trees

__________ 250g pot(s) of Winter Food For Citrus Trees

For UK customers a pack of 2 x 250g pots of fertilizer (any combination) £18 including delivery.
For EU customers a pack of 2 x 250g pots of fertilizer (any combination) £24 including delivery.

and enclose my cheque/postal orders for ____________________ (sorry no credit cards)

Delivery Address (please print clearly)

Name _______________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________
Town _______________________________________________________________
County _______________________________________________________________
Post Code _______________________________________________________________